Tuesday, June 17, 2008

All Quiet on The Home Front

Wow. It's been really quiet around the house. Divas are at the grandparents for a week and I don't know what to do with myself except for drink vodka and sleep.

The cleaning lady came yesterday and did a halfway job, but at least their are no little fingers to mess it all up. No papers lying about, beds are made, toys are in baskets. Amazing. For the last day and a half, I just sit and look, and listen to the silence of my former life (w/o kids).

Of course, husband wants sex so I give in so the week can be pleasant, and then he gets a raging stomach ache. I knew he was going to try to blame it on my cooking, but I feel fine so it has to be all the beers he drank or something else (grumpy disposition?).

I sat outside this morning, listened to the birds and the traffic on the boulevard, and felt thankful. I am thankful for my two beautiful divas who are two hours away, and for the little slice of quiet I am going to enjoy this week.

I am going to sleep, but I will hold off on the vodka drinking 'til at least tomorrow when I am going to the (oh my God!) MOVIES!!!!

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