Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Are birthdays a week long? And how many dance recitals can a person bear?

Apparently in our house they are.

We kicked off the weekend with Diva Two's "family" birthday. But no family came...except Auntie, but not 'til 8:30 (that's ok, we took the high road and didn't even mention it). By that time, half of a big size bottle of pinot grigio had been enjoyed by me and Hilda so all was ok. Dinner was good, capped off with ice cream sundaes for dessert. Very yummy.

Next day was the big rush for the "friend" party at the big museum. I busted hump all morning bathing, cleaning, gathering, etc. etc. for the safari gig. Turned out well, Husband didn't come because work was too important but Mom-in-law did. I had to carry 3 12-packs of soda, 2 bags of snacks, decorations, gifts into the museum by myself. Divas can't carry too much, they might mess themselves up. Sweaty and ready, the party began. B.P. (Bi-Polar Sis-in-law) ventured over. She was going to help but she disappeared into the museum only to be found at cake time -- of which she ate lots and lots. Man, lots happened in 1-1/2 hour. It's already a blur. We safari-ed, looked at taxidermied animals, ate PBJ's and puffy cheetos, and cake. Of course I didn't bring a knife, thinking that a place that has birthday parties every weekend would have one (silly me), so I ended up having to cut my $70 fondant cake with a tiny plastic one. That was interesting. I still have chocolate jammed under my fingernails.

Then home, to regroup, and book on out to Diva Two's dance rehearsal. Diva Two pulled a good haul, over 20 presents. We got sidetracked and started opening in between. We only meant to open 3 or so, but then we did the whole she-bang, which left the living room looking like a cyclone of tissue paper and left us only 20 minutes to get ready and get out to the auditorium.

Who invented tights? Any why are they so hard to put on? Why when you put them on with the tag at the back do the toes get twisted around? And why do all kids hate that little seam at the toes? That is pure agony.

Somehow, we got it together and got out there. It was a 30 minute drive. Dance instructor rambled on an on into the microphone about how exhausted she was, etc. etc. We rehearsed. The one question that kept going through my mind is that why is this called a dance recital? Really, it is more like dressing your kids up in ridiculous, overpriced costumes, standing them in a line, and letting them do what they want. I don't know why I keep paying for this. But I do. Must be some kind of grown-up peer pressure.

On the way home, I was so sleepy that on two occasions, I swerved into another lane. Nap alert!
And I took one from 5:30 to 8:30. Good thing the house didn't burn down or something.

Then, on to the recital. Great home movie that we can all giggle at later.

Monday comes, another dance rehearsal. This time, I had to get Diva One's hair in a bun. She has short hair. It was hard. I had to use those hair nets they use in the deli department at the grocery store. And about 40 hairpins and half a can of hair spray. This was after picking her up from her karate belt test with 20 minutes to get to the dance rehearsal. We made it and she rehearsed, but she was the one called out at the end for sloppy arms and turning the wrong way (she's a lefty so she turns the other way than all the righties. She also can write her name backwards like no one's business).

Tuesday, Diva Two's recital. Actually it was pretty cute. This time we used 60 hairpins and two hairnets. Did not get flowers and got yelled at for that. Instead I gave her queso dip at the mexican restaurant down the street from the dance studio. Seemed like a fair trade to me.

Only one more diva birthday down the pike. Hope I make it!

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