Friday, May 16, 2008

Queen of the Better Offer

Maybe I am overreacting.

I don't even know what to say about this one.

Today is Diva Two's Birthday. Tried to figure out all week what to do for the actual "day," we're having a big kiddie party tomorrow but always like to do a family thing on the "day." And, like a lot of people all of a sudden, we're on a budget. This economy, and all my slow pay clients have forced us to stretch a bit and keep the ol' wallet closed as much as we can. So, we're not going out and having dinner, drinking cheap chianti, and spending a bunch of money.

Sis-in-law offered to have a birthday cookout at her house for Diva Two. "That might work," I thought. So we went with the idea. Then it changed to having it at our house. It's just easier to do it right there so I don't have to carry a bunch of stuff over to her house. Plus, she never has ketchup or mustard or anything for the hamburgers. And if she does, it's expired.

So the cookout is all planned for this evening, just me and hubby, Diva One and Two, Hilda and her son, and Sis-in-law. I found out this morning that other Sis-in-law isn't coming -- she's bi-polar and can't handle it (Of course she didn't call me, Mother-in-Law had to tell me). That's ok, I was nervous about that anyway. A small family gathering...which is good, because when a few more family members are added with a bit of wine, it gets out of control (more about that later).

Here's the kicker, Sis-in-Law One, the one who offered to do this WHOLE THING AT HER HOUSE in the first place, the one who bothered me ALL WEEK about what we were going to do, called me and told me she was going out for drinks after work and wouldn't be over til 8 or 9 pm.

What the.....????????????????

Hmmm, apparently she got a better offer.

I am so mad and of course when she told me I was caught off guard and didn't respond correctly. Now I am thinking, "LISTEN, you &^$#(& ! Are you kidding me? This was your idea from the get-go! You were helping me plan this and get it together?! Now you're going out for drinks and you're gonna show up late, eat food, drink, boss everyone around and leave.

And basically, this happens once a week when she doesn't have dinner and comes over, lets herself in our house with the key she has, and sees what we're having for dinner and then conveniently asks to stay. (What if I was cooking naked?)

Now, I know I have some boundary issues. I should just cut it off from the beginning. I need to take that key away, tell her what's what, and be done with it. But, being the little bulldog that she is, she would get all up in my face. Me, being the non-confrontational person that I am, I try to avoid that. Seriously though, I need to figure out some behavior modification because this ticks me off every time and yet it happens over and over.

Maybe I can read this later and realize how stupid it is, and quit letting it happen.

Once more, Happy Birthday Diva Two!!

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